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“Generate AI-Impact” Study Launch & Swiss AI Competition Award ceremony

ETH AI Center, Swiss AI Competition, Innovate Switzerland, Think Tank W.I.R.E.

Dozentenfoyer HG

ETH-Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich

With the advent of next-generation AI, offering unprecedented possibilities and promises, the key challenge is to translate this technology into concrete solutions that create value for the Swiss economy and society. Based on W.I.R.E. think tank's latest comprehensive analysis of anticipated developments, complemented by expert insights and a company survey, we present an outlook on how learning machines will transform the future market environment. This includes identifying innovation areas and opportunities that will empower Swiss stakeholders to embrace responsibility and pragmatically drive advancements in the 21st century, building on Switzerland's strong legacy. 

The presentation of results is complemented by this year’s award ceremony of the AI Competition (a project of the ETH AI Center co-initiated with the Canton of Zurich and Schwyz). This competition encourages teenagers to develop innovative, hands-on AI projects, equipping them with practical skills and fostering creativity.

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